Thursday, August 16, 2012

I am mobile!

I am able to post from the iPad excuses for not keeping this thing up to date!

Here is a board I re-covered to match the new colors at the office...I love it it! (Note: the dog thinks a staple gun is a real gun... He ran and hid while I was working on it.)

Monday, August 13, 2012

Here we go...

OK - this is me posting to a blog. I am excited and nervous to start blogging. I want to share my craftiness and my love of God.

I have read that people blog for self confidence...that may be what I am looking for.

 Upcoming...I will be teaching my first crochet class. Should I tell them that I JUST taught myself this past year? Maybe that tidbit can wait until the last class. :)  Prayers needed for a great first run at teaching an Adult Education Class.

Currently: Helping my friend Julia add graphics to her poetry so she can publish a book.  She is an awesome writer, I enjoy reading every word!!

Also, I have 38 of 52 12-inch Granny Squares done for a swap that is due by early September...REALLY NEED TO GET THOSE DONE!!  I will post some pics of my favorite squares.