Saturday, September 8, 2012

Squares for Facebook Swap!

I have been working on these squares since April!
 I'm finally done and getting ready to send them away... 
can't wait to see what I get back!!
I turned this pile of nearly done squares....
into this...all tagged and ready to mail out.
One side of the tag says,
"Crocheting is cheaper than therapy!"
One of my favorite quotes, not sure where I first saw it.

And the other side has my name and blog address.
The star was fun.

School colors and Red, White, Blue are always a favorite!

The one on the right was one of the first I didn't really follow a pattern.
I guess I was feeling brave...and now I am just addicted!
The one on the left was a difficult pattern to follow.
I had to do the hearts first, then work them together.
I had fun with lots of different colors and patterns.
The yellow one is supposed to be butterflies.
I really liked the pattern for the bottom left one.
I did that one a couple times, switching colors more often.
I also did quite a few regular "granny squares".
They were easy to do in while traveling,
since I didn't have to follow the pattern.
I think the one with the purple flowers
looks like a frog pond!
Another tough one in the top right corner.
The friendship ring - had to take this apart a couple
times before I finally got it right.
More basic grannies.
I really liked the brown and pink camouflage!
I have another project in mind for this yarn!
I will definitely post it when it is done.


  1. You did a great job on all your squares. I just wish I had your talent. I am a beginner crocheter and I know how to do a few stitches. I have tried to do the granny square, but seem to have a mental block when it comes to going up to another row. I do fine until I go up a row. I have to practice more. I will conquer this one day. Beautiful squares.

    1. I learned by watching videos on YouTube! I am going to be teaching a beginner crochet class at our Adult Ed next month. Thanks for comment....good luck!

  2. Replies
    1. Thanks Dana! I am thinking vacuum packing can re-use it to send mine back...would that work?
